I was absolutely thrilled to have picked up an award this Autumn for my image pictured above. FIRST PLACE no less! The very excellent Photographers Keeping It real is a group of supremely talented photographers who celebrate the craft and creativity of a documentary approach to wedding photography. Nothing posed or contrived, images like this one will bring back real memories and emotions for many years to come. It is a real honour for me to have featured – and won! – amongst this illustrious group of talented photographers.
From a photographer’s point of view, and the judges in this case, the composition makes sense of a busy, complex scene. By using layers front to back the image has a sense of depth, and the intertwining relationships between the subjects left-to-right creates interest throughout the frame. By using an ultra-wide angle lens, I was able to not just fit everything in, but actually enable the viewer to get right inside the scene itself. Hopefully it feels like you’re actually there in the room, in the madness!
However, more importantly than any of that is the actual moment that is captured here. You really get a sense of what it can be like on the morning of a wedding, especially when there are children to get ready. All hands to the pump! I’m super proud of this picture and I hope that the bride and groom will look back on this moment fondly. I know I will!
You can find more of my work in my portfolio page here: portfolio . And on social media: instagram and facebook
If you are planning a wedding yourself, why not get in touch to see how I can help.